function dadabikUploader($el, $template) { let uploaderBaseConfiguration = { url: 'api_fe.php?function=upload_file', html: $template.html() }; const uploaderConfig = { onBeforeUpload: (root) => { var $el = $(root); var payload = { tablename: $el.attr('data-tablename'), form_type: $el.attr('data-form-type'), id: $el.attr('data-id'), fieldname: $el.attr('data-field-name'), fid: $el.attr('data-fid'), }; return payload; }, onDragEnter: (root) => { console.log('Drag Enter!'); ($(root).find('[data-uploader-drop-zone]')) .addClass('dropzone_enter'); }, onDragLeave: (root) => { console.log('Drag leave!'); ($(root).find('[data-uploader-drop-zone]')) .removeClass('dropzone_enter'); }, onUploadStart: (root, file) => { $(root).find('[data-preview]').empty(); $(root).find('[data-uploader-input]')[0].value = ''; console.log('Upload started!', file); }, onUploadComplete: (root, response, uploadedFile) => { console.log('Upload ok!', uploadedFile); var resultMessage = response.result === 'done' ? 'File uploaded! The file will replace the current one (if any) after saving the form.' : response.error_message; $(root).find('[data-uploader-result]').html(resultMessage); if (response.file) { var $img = $('').attr('src', response.file).addClass('object-contain w-full h-full'); $(root).find('[data-preview]').append($img); } }, onUploadProgress: (root, e) => { console.log('Progress !', (e.loaded * 100.0 / || 100 + '%'); }, onUploadError: (root, errorResponse) => { console.log('Upload Error!' + JSON.stringify(errorResponse)); /*const textError = errorResponse.reseponseText || null; const jsonError = (errorResponse.responseJSON || {}).error_message || null; const status = errorResponse.status; const statusText = errorResponse.statusText; $(root).find('[data-uploader-result]').html(jsonError || statusText)*/ $(root).find('[data-uploader-result]').html('Generic upload error!') } }; const options = Object.assign(uploaderBaseConfiguration, uploaderConfig, {}); var uploader = new FileUploader(uploaderBaseConfiguration) uploader.attachTo($el); }